A641.7.3.RB - Appreciating Your "Real Self"

Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years. It almost seems that it is tossed around as if it were an elixir, capable of curing many of the modern ills. Researchers have declared the benefits of mindfulness to be many and far reaching: reduced stress, reduced rumination, better emotional regulation, increased focus, increased drive, greater cognitive flexibility, improved memory, better relationships, and more (Davis & Hayes, 2012). I believe these are potential benefits of mindfulness, but it is not an easily applied “take two and call me in the morning” prescription. Mindfulness has to become a way of life. “And mindfulness is not just a concept. It's more like practice, you have to embody this mindful mode of being to have any benefits” (Jha, 2017, 12:33). So what exactly is meant by mindfulness? Mindfulness has been defined as “the capacity to be fully aware of all that one experiences inside the self —body, mind, heart, spi...